While it’s true that there is no Constitutional Amendment on the ballot in November 2024, it’s also true that reproductive rights absolutely are.

Your rights. Your family members’ rights. Your neighbor and co-worker and friends’ rights. All are on the ballot and protecting them depends on your vote.

Do the candidates you are considering believe in bodily autonomy and the right of Iowans to make their own personal and medical decisions, including access to safe and legal abortion in Iowa --- their home state?

Will you be a champion for freedom and reproductive rights? Check out the resources below to learn how!

Summary of abortion in iowa

On June 28, 2024, the Iowa Supreme Court upheld the 6-week ban on abortion passed by the Iowa Legislature and signed by Governor Kim Reynolds in July of 2023. The law and court’s decision essentially eliminates access to safe and legal abortion inthe state. In this (PDF) handout are the current laws and restrictions regarding access to abortion in Iowa.

Take action & support reproductive rights

How can you do your part in this critical fight? This (PDF) handout offers multiple ways you can be a champion for freedom and reproductive rights.

Faithful conversations on abortion

Faithful Conversations on Abortion is a tool to help faith communities hold open conversations regarding access to reproductive health care, including abortion. Developed by clergy and faith leaders, this series of videos is offered as conversation starters. They are available for anyone to use but are particularly focused on empowering and supporting conversations in faith communities.